The twelve credit Early Childhood Teacher Certification Program is taken in conjunction with the forty-two Childhood Teacher Certification Program and leads to eligibility for certification in birth through sixth grade in New York State. The Early Childhood Education component certifies students in birth through second grade; the Childhood Education component certifies students in first through sixth grade.  In the Early Childhood Education courses, students will study development and learning of children beginning at birth, with a focus on developmentally appropriate practice and effective curriculum for young children. Students will observe and plan in field experiences in infant/toddler, preschool, and kindergarten settings.

Many Dominican Early Childhood/Childhood Education graduates also seek and secure teaching positions in other states. In the past two years, 100% of all certified teacher education graduates who actively sought positions have secured employment in teaching. All programs in Teacher Education are accredited by the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (T.E.A.C.) and adhere to the quality principles of this certification body.

Required Classes:

Sophomore Year-Fall Semester
ED 222 (PS 222) Educational Psychology3
ED 223V School and Society3
Sophomore Year-Spring Semester
SE 221 (PS 221) Psychology of the Exceptional Individual3
ED 225 (CI 225) Technology in the Classroom3
ED 333 Infant/Toddler Development and Curriculum3
Junior Year-Fall Semester
SE 222 Inclusive Settings: Principles and Practices3
ED 330 Introduction to Teaching Methods3
ED 334 Early Childhood Curriculum I3
ED 336 Emergent Literacy in Early Childhood Education3
Junior Year-Spring Semester
ED 332 Strategies for Literacy Development3
ED 331 Foundations of Literacy3
ED 335 Early Childhood Curriculum II3
Senior Year-Fall Semester
ED 463A Teaching Math (Childhood Education)2
ED 463B Teaching Science (Childhood Education)2
ED 463C Teaching Social Studies (Childhood Education)2
Senior Year-Spring Semester
ED 472 Student Teaching (Early Childhood/Childhood)10
ED 472A Student Teaching Seminar (Early Childhood/Childhood)2
Total Credits54

The capstone experience is a sixteen week student teaching placement: Five weeks in grades Pre-K-2, five weeks in grades 1-3, and five weeks in grades 4-6. Personal requests for student teaching placement may be presented when application for student teaching is made the semester before proposed ED 472 is to be taken; however, final selection of placement sites remains with the Division.

Program Coordinator

Mike Kelly, Ph.D.

Director of the Graduate Programs in Education and Director of the programs in Special Education and Adolescence Education

Office: (845) 848-4090

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